Going Green In the Household Related to Electronics

There are multiple ways that you can go green in your household in order to save energy and money.  In this blog, I am going to discuss some simple things you can do to go green.  It is important to go green because by going green you can save both energy and money and it also benefits the environment.

One way that a person can go green is by changing the light bulbs in their home to LED light bulbs because LED light bulbs use about seventy five percent less electricity and last up to ten times longer.

Another thing you can do is to unplug any appliances that continue to glow after it is turned off and plug them into power strips instead. By doing this, you can save $200 a year.

One of the biggest ways to go green is by recycling used electronics in order to keep them out of the landfill. ERS can help you do that. We have public drop off on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9-3:30 and Saturday from 9-1:30. ERS also has a business to business pick up service. If you are curious to know what items we accept or if there is a fee, check out our website at www.electronicsrecyclingsolutions.org

A final way of going green in the household is by only running the dishwasher and washer when there is a full load of dishes and clothes. By doing this, it saves both money and is also more energy efficient.  The average American family of four washes about 540 loads of laundry a year which uses up to 21,000 gallons of water and more than a hundred and fifty loads of dishes which uses about 1,500 gallons. Combining half-loads, choosing short cycles, and using cold or warm water rather than hot also helps to save both money and energy.

-Samantha I. - ERS Employee

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